BNRC Community Projects Application Funding

BNRC Community Projects Application

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About BNRC Community Projects Application

Funds administered by the Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation (BNRC) to support community projects for up to $5,000*.
The purpose of the grants is to support small projects that bring people together and respond to priorities of the BNRC’s 5 year Community Plan. Funds are provided to local groups that require modest short-term project funding.
Neighbourhood Capacity & Empowerment
Recreation & Wellness
Crime & Safety
Housing & Homelessness
Economic Development
Non-profit organizations or community based organizations (incorporated and unincorporated) and groups.
Projects should address:
Capacity Building (eg. outreach activities such as consultations, newsletters and meetings)
Stability (eg. beautification activities such as community gardens, murals, and clean-ups)
Well-being (eg. social/recreational activities such as street festivals, after-school activities and support groups)
Economic Development (eg. skill building activities such as home repair workshops, personal development workshops and employment/volunteer development)
Preference will be given to projects that are located in or of significant benefit to residents in the BNRC District and have strong community support. The BNRC District boundary extends from 24th Street in the west, Park Avenue in the south, Franklin Street in the east and to the Assiniboine River in the north.
Eligible expenses include:
Honoraria (single, nominal fee or material payment for contribution to an event which fees were not pre-determined)
Short-term wages (summer employment, etc.)
Supplies, venue rental, advertising, food and beverages
Ineligible expenses - costs NOT eligible:
- on-going operating expenses;
- payments of stipends to project participants;
- contributions to wages;
- repairs to public or non-profit facilities (unless property is available free of charge to community and repairs are related to community use);
- re-development of private property;
- projects already in progress or completed;
- revenue generating events (ie: fundraising through ticket sales);
- kits, supplies, equipment or items of any kind with intent of remaining with individuals.
Normally, costs of organizing a project or event are expected as an in-kind contribution by the organization and are not eligible for funding.
Applications are due on the first of February, May, August and November*. Applications should be submitted at least 45 days prior to the anticipated project start date to allow for the approval process. Applicants are encouraged to review their proposal with the BNRC Coordinator prior to submission.
*Micro grant applications are accepted ongoing.
Grants are contingent on funding availability. Upon submission of a signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), the organization submits receipts and/or paid invoices covering approved expenses. A cheque will be issued for the amount claimed. In cases where advanced funds are necessary to carry out the project an advance cheque of up to 50% of approved funding can be issued.
Upon completion of the project all applicants provide*:
a final financial statement, receipts, expense sheet proving expenditure of total grant for eligible costs;
a final report including an evaluation and pictures (if available); as well as
a declaration of any revenues.
Any funding not proved to be spent must be returned to the BNRC within 30 days of project completion (or by March 1st whichever is first). Projects not completed within the time frame are expected to return any advanced funds. Dollars MUST be proved spent by March 1st. Projects not started within the year of approval are considered expired.
Applications are available at the BNRC office (410 9th Street) or online at If you have any questions please contact the coordinator, at 204-729-2490 ext 104 or
*Micro Community Grants (up to $500) - have an ongoing application intake and more flexible reporting/application requirements. Contact the coordinator for specific details.