Block Connector Program


Across the world, cities and communities are recognizing the importance and need for a caring and connected neighbourhood life. The Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation (BNRC) believes that more neighbourliness on every block will contribute towards this culture of care and connection, increase our sense of belonging and inclusion, and ultimately lead to a more inclusive and livable community.
The Block Connector program is borrowed from Abundant Community Edmonton’s (ACE) framework for neighbourhood engagement at the block level which is derived from the book
The Abundant Community, written by John McKnight and Peter Block, published in 2012. The Block Connector program is a grassroots initiative fostering neighbour to neighbour relationships. The goal is to cultivate a culture of care and connection, increase the sense of belonging and inclusion, and ultimately create a more healthy and livable city – one block at a time.


To become a Block Connector or for questions about the Block Connector Program, please contact the Community Development Coordinator at or 204 729 2490 ext. 104. You can also read the Block Connector Resource Guide or visit Abundant Community for more information on John McKnight and Peter Block’s work.
Through the Community Wellness Collaborative, Healthy Brandon is sponsoring small get togethers put on by local Block Connectors – please contact us for more information on funding for your local gatherings.