Canada Manitoba Housing benefit

The Canada-Manitoba Housing Benefit (CMHB) is a benefit paid to eligible renters who need assistance paying for their core housing costs. The benefit can be used anywhere in Manitoba.
It is cost matched by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and the Manitoba government. This financial assistance provides greater access and housing stability for vulnerable Manitobans.
Program Requirements

To be eligible for the CMHB homelessness stream, applicants must:
Complete a program application;
Be receiving Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) or non-EIA Rent Assist;
Need assistance to cover rental costs;
Be a Canadian Citizen, permanent resident of Canada or refugee claimant;
Live in private rental accommodation; and
Have a tenancy agreement.
To continue being eligible for benefits, recipients must report all changes that may impact eligibility, such as:
Changes in household size.
Address changes or moves.
Changes in rent.
Changes in income.
People can not apply for the homelessness stream of the CMHB if:
They rent their home from Manitoba Housing or other subsidized housing
They live on a First Nations reserve
They live in a hospital or residential care facility
They live in student housing
They live outside of Manitoba
You can only receive the CMHB through one of the benefit streams. If you are found to be accessing the CMHB through different streams, your benefits will be suspended immediately and you will be required to re-apply to one stream only.

For eligible applicants, the CMHB will be calculated as:
CMHB = Rent – Rent Assist, up to $350 per month
CMHB = Rent – (30 per cent of income + non-EIA Rent Assist), up to $350 per month
If you are paying for your utilities out of pocket (i.e., a cold rent), you are eligible to receive an additional $72 on top of your monthly benefit amount to help with your utility costs.


The documents on this page are available in alternative format upon request.
To apply for the homelessness stream of the CMHB you can download an application form:
Canada Manitoba Housing Benefit Application Form
cmhb-homelessness-change-in-info-form-aug23 (002)
cmhb-homelessness-renewal-form-06-23 (1)
Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation (all other areas of Manitoba):
emailing or, in person by appointment by calling 204-729-2490 extension 116, or by regular mail to the following address:
Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation
440 Rosser Avenue
Brandon, MB
R7A 0K3
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