The Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS) is a comprehensive data collection and case management system designed to better understand what is happening in your community and to work collaboratively.
Under Reaching Home, communities will need to adopt HIFIS as their local management information system if they do not already have a comparable Homelessness Management Information System in place.
For more information, please consults the Government of Canada’s HIFIS Website.
Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation envisions a vibrant, healthy, sustainable neighborhood of empowered stakeholders, successful community projects, and partnering organizations.
The BNRC is located on unceded Treaty 2 Territory – the land of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Assiniboine, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and homeland of the Métis Nation. We acknowledge harms, past and present, and we dedicate our efforts to community development that supports reconciliation and collaboration.