Brandon Local Immigration Partnership (BLIP)

what is blip

Brandon Local Immigration Partnerships (BLIP) is the mechanism through which Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) supports the development of local partnerships and community-based planning around the needs of residents and newcomers.
The Brandon LIP is composed by 5 mayor groups: The Brandon LIP team, Immigrant Advisory Table (IAT), Interdisciplinary Immigration Research Network (IIRN), Partnership Council (PC), and Working Groups 2 (WG).


The City of Brandon is a welcoming diverse space that fosters a multicultural identity and provides the foundation for growth and development. A community is bonded together by a shared purpose where all residents can aspire to live their best lives.

Our mission

Through coordination, collaboration, and community engagement, Brandon Local Immigration Partnership (BLIP) facilitates opportunities for the successful long-term settlement and integration of immigrants and newcomers to Brandon, Manitoba.

Partnership council

The PC is composed by big picture decision-makers able to cut through the red tape, which develop a multi-year strategy, annual action plans, and SMART goals by Identifying root-cause issues and sustainable means to address them.

Immigrant Advisory Table
The IAT is composed of immigrants and newcomers with lived experience, which provide insight and feedback to understand root-cause issues and promote broad community engagement through networks. IAT development consists of two phases: Broad representation in phase one (leaders from existing multicultural groups), and phase two will develop sub-tables to ensure all voices are included.
Register for iat
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